Friday, 9 August 2013

Life doesn't stop just because you're building a house...

No matter how careful your plans, life sometimes has a habit of spoiling them.
We thought we were fairly well organised with our house-designing / building project, all things considered.
Despite us both working full-time jobs.
Despite attempting to complete a two-A4-page list of jobs to get our current house ready for market.
Despite trying to get a Planning Application ready for a new building three States away.
Yep, just the other day we were saying that really, the process has been quite fun so far.
Unfortunately, Viktoria wasn't really counting on having to get reconstructive surgery on her foot.
But apparently, because she:
  1. did ballet for 16 years, or
  2. performed an impromptu back flip down a flight of stairs while attempting to do a handstand, or
  3. has a stupidly high pain threshold and ignored it, or
  4. all of the above, or
  5. none of the above
she now needs to get pieces of her bones chiselled off, or risk having to get her foot fused in future.
So very shortly she can look forward to 2 weeks of non-weight-bearing (medical parlance for lying on your back with your foot propped up) activities. Which means that the poor Android will be doing double-time on weekends to work through our home maintenance "To Do" list.
But on the bright side, it does mean Viktoria will have more time to research interesting products / architecture / interiors on the internet... and continue to distract Neal-the-Architect by making a pest of herself.
Now to convince the surgeon that wanting a photograph of the inside of your foot isn't as morbidly crazy as it sounds....