Friday, 3 October 2014

Where have we been?

Time, so the saying goes, flies when you're having fun.
From experience, it can also fly when you are having something less than fun.
And so it has. Flown, that is.
We have been (metaphorically, at least) 'away'.
And now we are back.
However, in the sense that this blog was originally about building a house in Tasmania, that part of the journey is at an end. The support, advice and well-wishing has been wonderful. Unfortunately, the universe has had other ideas.
Whatever new direction we take, how we get there, and where we go, are as yet uncharted waters.... but we are making the necessary preparations for whatever lies ahead...
Where we have been in the meantime is a story for another day.
When our maps are charted for the next leg of our journey, we will let you know how we ended up where we are now.
Until then, we remain