Sunday, 31 March 2013

The House Plans - Verion 2.0

From the start, we have loved the approach that JAWS Architects have taken.
We also loved the original design for our house. But the requirements of having to build on soil which resembles a beach, and fiscal reality put it waaaaaaay out of our hands.
What could the architects do the second time around?
Would we be as happy?
Neal-and-Fiona-the-Architects and Michael-the-Builder had 3 weeks to come up with a brand new design, with different materials that would meet our lifestyle requirements - and our financial ones. Otherwise, we would have had to cancel the clearing, notch the whole thing up to experience and call it a day.
So how did they go?
Have a look below and see what you think.
Yes, it's quite different to the original design.
And yes, we have lost some of the features of the original (eg we can no longer have an earth wall / roof).
But you know what?.... we are warming to this one too.

Floor Plan Verion 2.0
View looking up the hill
View on entering the property
We have given Neal-and-Fiona our first lot of feedback which we will share with you (together with the revised plans when we get them). We still think that what they have designed is amazing. And once again, we had few changes we suggested (although they may beg to differ on the "few" point).
Now we just have to learn to let go of the original design and focus on this one.
Coming to this space shortly are the first photos of the cleared site... Tasmania's own Tunguska.
ps. The tenant has finally left our rental property, but the insurer is refusing to pay the unpaid rent (due to a technicality in the policy) and we are yet to find out whether they will cover all the damage.

1 comment:

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